Rebeka Dudusová: I spent my student paycheck on a fitness bikini

Rebeka Dudusová: I spent my student paycheck on a fitness bikini

22. October 2021

8 minutes

You can definitely recognize Rebeka as a beautiful fitness model and a new NEBBIA girl. In addition to that, she works as a personal trainer, and studies at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications at the University of Žilina in Žilina, Slovakia. This year, in August 2021, she won the Slovak championship in body fitness. We interviewed Rebeka shortly after the Grand Prix Dubnica. In this interview, you will learn what it takes to stand on competition stages and what Rebeka had to sacrifice in order to get there.

Rebeka, you have another competition weekend behind you. How do you feel about the result?

I was extremely happy with my form and the overall look. I know that this has been my best form so far. However, I definitely see some gaps and room for improvement, that is why I finished 3rd in the junior body fitness category and 4th in the women’s body fitness category.

What would you like to improve next season?

Posing. Definitely posing. You know, I can be very stone-cold, and it’s hard for me to soften up, pose and dance (laughs). I need to pay more attention to it, it was clear that the other girls had an easier time posing and enjoyed it much more. And this is closely tied to another goal of mine – improving self-confidence. As for the body form, I would like to grow thighs and calves.

NEBBIA girl_ Rebeka Dudusová

Grand Prix Dubnica 2021, Source

Are you taking a break now? Do you plan to work on “volume”?

I enjoy this sport, so I don’t take breaks. The very next day after the competition I was already in the gym. Gradually, however, I will start to increase my weight and calories. I don’t do classic volumes. I increase my food intake very slowly. I eat what I like until I get to my maintenance calories. I allow myself to indulge and overeat only the first two days after the competition. After that, I get back on track with my regime.

Let’s get back to the beginning. If I wanted to enter a fitness competition, what would I have to do?

First of all, you must be a member of a club that is registered in the SAFKST (Slovak Association of Fitness, Bodybuilding and Powerlifting). My coach Adela Ondrejovičová registered me in the club. Then, you choose the competition you want to participate in. Finally, youpay the entry fee yourself, or your team does it on behalf of you, this part is individual. In addition to this, I also usually apply for Protan body paint. However, some competitors paint themselves.

And what about a bikini and other “must-haves” before the competition?

Above all, you really need to be in shape, you can buy a bikini quite easily. After the last competition in August, I thought I would not compete again, so I sold my swimsuit. Horrible mistake, as you can tell. Fitness bikinis for women are quite expensive. It cost me one student paycheck, which is about 300 EUR. It is also necessary to have clear heel sandals.

Veľká cena Dubnice_Rebeka Dudusová

Grand Prix Dubnica 2021, Source:

What was your first competition?

I competed for the first time this June at the Slovak SAFKST Championships in Hnúšť. I won the title of Champion of Slovakia in body fitness juniors. I also placed first in the women’s body fitness category of the same competition.

It sounds like a challenging start. How did you begin your fitness journey?

I’ve always been into sports. First, I played football, then volleyball, until I got to bodybuilding. I started to admire the muscular but still feminine figures and I wanted to resemble them. That’s why I kept my form. My boss at the fitness centre, where I work, told me about the competition in Hnúšťa, which was held in 3 weeks. I didn’t believe in myself that much, but she convinced me that I have to go for it so I did.

And what was the next step? Have you started a strict diet and posing training?

Kind of. I found a couch – Adela Ondrejovičová. She set my diet straight and taught me the poses. Then I practised posing every day after training with my boss. I did not take the diet as strictly as I should though. I bought my first fitness bikini from the bazaar and I borrowed shoes from a friend who also competes. Everything is possible if you’re willing to do the work.

NEBBIA girl_ Rebeka Dudusová

Grand Prix Dubnica 2021, Source:

Could you compare Spring vs. Autumn preparation?

They were about the same. I don’t like to go to extremes. I like the visible separation of muscles, so even if I gain weight after the competition, I’m still ready to show form at any time, maybe even take pictures for NEBBIA (laughs)! Anyway, before the Dubnice Grand Prix (note: Autumn competition) I had a more stressful time – I just started studying at university, and I also had a lot of work added to it on top. However, the form still turned out to be perfect!

Can you tell us what your competitive and off-season weight is? How many calories do you consume during these periods?

Sure no problem. My normal “off-season” weight is 60 kg. At competitions, I weigh 56 kg. Before the first competition in June, my calorie intake was set at 3,000 kcal, which I gradually reduced to a competition intake of 2,000 kcal. After the first competition, I kept at 2,200 kcal, and before the second competition, I had a deficit of 1,800 kcal.

How does your diet change before the competition?

I eat “pure”, which means no artificial sweeteners. I even discard protein powder. Thefinal weeks before the competition are mainly about rice, oat flakes, clean meat, eggs, fish, and vegetables. Over some time, I found even a carrot to be sweet (laughs). I can still eat cottage cheese or broth, but without noodles.

Veľká cena Dubnice_Rebeka Dudusová

Grand Prix Dubnica 2021, Source:

Do you also do super-compensation?

Yes. I start on Monday, when I increase my water intake by 1 litre, then I add 0.5 litres every day until I reach the level of 7.5 litres on Thursday. After that, I only drink baby water. The day before the competition – that is Friday – I would drink only 0.5 litres of urological tea. I do not drink on the day of the competition, and I gradually add sugar. I actually really enjoy chips and jam, it’s the perfect combination of flavours right before the competition (laughs)!

What is the number one meal you crave after the competition?

Pancakes! I dreamed of them every night! After the competition, I didn’t care if they would be with Nutella or jam – they just needed to be warm and sweet.

Describe your training to us. Is there a difference between training during dieting and training without a diet?

I still train five times a week. When I’m off-season, I focus more on strength training. When I need to shape muscles, I train until complete exhaustion. I train my legs twice a week, I always go hard and with a lot of volumes. I train back with biceps and abs two times a week as well. Once a week, I do shoulders with triceps. I don’t do cardio purposefully. However, I walk a lot with my dog, sometimes I go jogging or do yoga.

What body part do you love to train? Conversely, is there a body part you don’t enjoy training?

Back. I adore bent-over rows. I love when I squeeze my back muscles and show “wings”. I like working on my shoulders the least. I already have pretty broad and muscular shoulders. If I gained more weight, I would no longer be feminine. That’s why I train them only once a week.

Do you plan to compete next year as well?

I don’t see why not. If I keep my form, it would be a shame not to use my new bikini. I’m not going to sell these again and make the same mistake, I’m definitely keeping them (laughs).

Nebbia girls

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