Odporová guma NEBBIA Giraffe – level heavy

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Katalógové číslo: 730100 Kategória: Značka:


Are you ready to work out anytime, anywhere? A high-quality resistance band is a must-have in your training arsenal!

The NEBBIA resistance band, also known as a booty band or expander, is a practical tool for all women aiming for a perfectly sculpted buttocks, thighs, or shoulders. It effectively engages your entire body, whether you’re working out at the gym, outdoors, or at home.

The pleasant-to-touch material and stylish design add enjoyment to every workout. The quality polyester combined with latex won’t scratch or irritate your skin, allowing you to wear the band directly on your skin. Moreover, the band has non-slip elements on the inner side, ensuring it stays securely in place and doesn’t roll.

The expander is an excellent alternative to traditional gym exercises and a useful addition to them. You can use it to add resistance to squats, lunges, or even regular walking. Resistance bands have a wide range of applications in yoga, pilates, stretching, and rehabilitation.

NEBBIA resistance bands complement each other perfectly. We’ve combined three resistance levels: light, medium, and heavy, allowing you to customize your workout according to your needs. Depending on your abilities or the type of exercise, you can switch between bands to target specific muscle groups. No more excuses— with NEBBIA expanders, you can truly work out anywhere.

  • Level Heavy – Resistance 55 kg
  • Suitable for advanced or demanding strength training
  • Ideal for stretching, yoga, pilates, and rehabilitation
  • Can be used for strength training
  • Pleasant-to-touch surface
  • Non-slip elements on the inner side
  • Original pattern


  • 35% polyester, 65% latex

Cena poštovného je 4€, pri objednávke nad 60€ je doručenie zadarmo.

Všetok tovar posielame iba kuriérom – spoločnosťou GLS. Doba doručenia v rámci Slovenskej republiky je 24h po predaní zásielky kuriérskej spoločnosti (objednávky odosielame zväčša na druhý pracovný deň po prijatí objednávky, v prípade platieb prevodom na druhý deň po doručení platby (spoločnosť GLS zásielky doručuje iba v pracovný deň).

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