
Simona Hostačná

Simona Hostačná

31.12.2017 1 minute

A simple shy girl, who has been overlooked, become a purposeful woman who thinks she can do everything to what she gives her energy and heart. After graduating from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Comenius University she started to train and it was the best thing she could do. She met people she would not otherwise know, she has traveled many places, she has the courage to do what she enjoys and what makes her feel good. She believes she will attend a lot of competitions, experience a lot of things and be successful in the fitness world.

What are your career highlights?
Pharmacist till now, but right now I am starting up my own healthy boxed food company BUĎ FIT! Handlová.

What are your words to live by?
The one who has learned from the loss never actually lost anything.

What is your proudest sporting moment?
The first success at the international competition Diamond Cup in Malta, where I placed 4th.

What is your guilty pleasure?
„Vianočka“ with butter and pancakes

What is your way of relaxing?
I love walking that ends with a good cappuccino

Who is your biggest influence or inspiration?
My boyfriend Marian. In the beginning I had been inspired by successful bikini athletes, but after some time I realized that the biggest inspiration is every day at my side.

What are your favorite NEBBIA products?
I'm very happy to wear Scrunch butt grey leggings. They are simple and perfect. I call them „the leggings that tell the truth“ :) because they are beautifully copying the line of the body. But I'm really excited about Velvet boyfriend pants from the fluffy material.