6 Most Underrated Leg Day Exercises and Tips for Strong Legs
Strong legs will support you during your performances. Most exercisers for men typically focus on shaping the chest, biceps, shoulders and back. But legs are often missing from the training plan. Muscle imbalance will occur if you load the upper body disproportionately to the lower body. And it's not just about aesthetics. Health problems, such as muscle shortening and disruption of movement stereotypes, can also occur, which can lead to injury. Unfortunately, muscle imbalance is behind many sports injuries.
We will show you the most basic leg exercises which will contribute to your health, strength, aesthetic figure and muscle balance.
The first exercise to warm you up is thigh adduction. It will also help you to improve the mobility and range of the hip joint. It is a movement when you pull your thighs towards you while sitting. The inner thighs are involved. Pay attention to the swing movement, focus on a smooth stroke accompanied by exhalation. It is ideal to practice 3x15 repetitions.
TIP: Do not put your feet on the "steps", but lean them against them from the inside. In this way, you isolate the attraction in the feet, which will contribute to a better contraction in the adducts.
Our ambassador, Patrik Herčzík, is also convinced of the importance of leg training. He ranked among the titans of bodybuilding by qualifying for Olympia Weekend 2022 and rightfully deserves his place among the best athletes in the world.
Pre-digging. An exercise that isolates the quadriceps - the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. You can practice it at the end for the "arrival" of the legs, or at the beginning of the training, as a proper push-up and pre-exhaustion.
It is practiced sitting on the machine. Choose a medium weight. He places his feet under the mat. Point your feet forward and grab the side handles with your hands to ensure the best possible stability. While exhaling, push the entire weight upwards with your ankles. Eliminate jerky movements. Concentrate on a second contraction in the highest position. Feel both movements, both the negative phase and the positive phase of the movement. In the first series, it is necessary to do at least 20 repetitions, and then continue until failure. That is, when you will not be able to continue moving even 1 cm further. For the second set, add weight and follow the instructions from the first set. However, failure now occurs earlier, between 5 and 10 repetitions.
TIP: If you are already on the edge of strength, slow down your movement. This will improve the contraction of the muscle.
It is the time of the muscle under tension that is important. If you want to focus on the outer side of the front thighs - join the toes. If you need to exercise the inner side of the front thighs - push the toes away from each other. To exercise the entire muscle, choose a neutral direction of the tips (straight).
Seated lunge to failure. The instructions for the exercise are the same as for exercise 2, with the only difference being that you will be digging while exhaling. Choose a medium-heavy weight on the machine. Beware of jerky movements. Try to perform each repetition in a controlled manner with a second contraction at the maximum tripping point.
In the first series, it is necessary to do at least 20 repetitions, and then continue until failure. That is, when you can't continue moving even 1 cm further. For the second set, add weight and follow the instructions from the first set. However, failure now occurs earlier, between 5 and 10 repetitions.
TIP: If you are already on the edge of strength, slow down your movement. This will improve the contraction of the muscle.
It is the time of the muscle under tension that is important. Again, try all three variants of the leg position for the maximum feeling of the muscle. That is Toes together, toes apart and toes straight.
Inspiration: After some time, you will manage to build a routine from the exercises. However, if it is difficult for you to stick to plans and resolutions, be inspired by our article: New Year's Resolutions 2023: 5 psychological tricks to keep them.
Leg-press. During 3 sets, you will use lighter and medium weights. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place them in the bottom half of the board. Each set will consist of 5 slow repetitions in both the positive and negative phases of the movement, followed by five fast repetitions. Then continue with 4 slow repetitions and 4 fast ones. Then change the position of your legs. Rest your feet with your heels on the upper edge of the board so that your toes extend into the space and you will perform another 15 controlled repetitions.
TIP: Perform slow repetitions for 4-5 times in each direction. Keep your knees above your toes, or you can push them outwards. In no case should the knees point downwards during movement. Pay attention to lifting the pelvis. Adjust the depth, i.e. the range of motion, accordingly. The buttocks must remain firmly against the bench.
Multipress squat. Here you can choose a medium-heavy load for all 3 series. Place the bar on your trapezius muscle so that it does not press on your cervical spine. Repeat 15 times. Concentrate on feeling the movement. Position your feet shoulder width apart. With an inhale, make a downward movement. As you exhale, push the bar up.
TIP: During the entire exercise, keep your whole body firm and do not lean forward. Control the movement. Again, the knees are above the toes, or slightly turned outwards. Squat as deep as possible. However, so that you press your heels and the whole foot stays on the ground. The heels must not come off the ground.
Greater intensity is important for calf extensions. We spend most of the day on the calf muscles, which is why extensions are performed only in the 6th series. In each series, repeat the exercise 20 times with a second contraction at maximum output.
TIP: Again, try all 3 leg position variants for maximum muscle sensation. That is Toes together, toes apart and a straight stance.
If you want to be a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, do not underestimate Leg Day. The legs are what will support us in our performances. They literally support us. If you want to play tennis or floorball with your friends in your 50s without problems or injuries, squat regularly!