
xmas competition


Healthy, Stress-Free Movement: Listen to Your Body During Training

As part of our NEBBIA ACADEMY Talks – Women to Women, we held another lecture, this time on the topic of Movement and Psyche. Barbora Dávidová, a mentor of women, introduced us to this topic.Barborahas been running a small family gym for ten...

10.10.2023 3 minutes

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Prejudices of women in fitness. Interview with our ambassadors about their beginnings and motivation.

There are different views on whether men are better at fitness than women, and whether they should have a different approach to working out. Want to learn more about whether there are still prejudices in fitness and how to overcome them and achieve your goals regardless of your sex? We took a peek into the lives of our ambassadors to give us a glimpse into their experiences and perspective on women in the fitness world. We interviewed Lucia Mikušová, Valerie Slapnik...

03.12.2023 6 minutes

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Myth or Fact? We Looked at Common Preconceptions About Sedentary Work

According to statistics, approximately 40.7% of people in Slovakia have sedentary work and half of them sit for an average of eight hours a day. Sedentary work and our lifestyle are often associated with a variety of health problems that affect the quality of our life. The most common problems reported by people working sedentary is lower and upper back pain, shoulder pain, elbows pain and wrists pain. We often tend to associate...

28.02.2023 3 minutes

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Our ambassadors also face feelings of inferiority. Read their tips on how to overcome it.

Inferiority complex is one of the problems that many women face. And the fitness community is no exception. Comparing oneself to others and a constant pursuit of perfection can lead to feelings of inferiority and low self-esteem. This is even more true in areas where performance and appearance are important. It is important to realise that we each have our own unique journey and value, and that we are never comparable to someone else. Our duty is to love ourselves...

19.02.2023 9 minutes

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Manifestations of Low Self-esteem & How to Handle it

I look terrible. I’m not worth anything. No one likes me. Bad things keep happening to me. Why does this keep happening to me? Why can’t I be happy? I’ll never get it the way I want it. All my relationships are bad. Everyone always hurts me. Do you ever say these sentences to yourself? Do you recognise yourself in them? Do you feel like the whole world has turned against you? If so, read on, because you probably have a problem...

17.02.2023 3 minutes

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Self-love and healthy self-esteem

Valentine’s Day is here and we are surrounded on all sides by love. We therefore come with the topic of relationships. And our life makes them even more important. If we don’t have happy relationships, we don’t live a happy life. And so we are mostly struggling with how to improve our current relationships. This applies to all relationships – in partnership, family, friendship and work. But what few people realise...

14.02.2023 3 minutes

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Take care of yourself with the same love you give others - do these 11 things every day!

Self-love is a fundamental key to sustainable happiness and fulfilled life. Self-love is essential. When we take good care of ourselves, we improve our physical and emotional health and ability to form strong relationships. There are many small things we can do for ourselves every day to feel better and improve our lives. Self-love is about caring for your body and mind with love and attention. With these 11 small things, you can take a step towards a happier life....

13.02.2023 6 minutes

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What is a moodboard and how can it help you with motivation?

A great way to stay motivated and inspired to achieve your goals is to have your own mood board. Information processed using images is much more effective. They affect our psyche, evoke emotions and help us relate better to our ideas. If your dreams, goals and visions are still only in your head, now is the right time to get them out. We'll show you how to easily create your own moodboard. Moodboard is a visual presentation of your...

22.01.2023 4 minutes

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10 Rules Of a Healthy Lifestyle

Lenka Havlíček, nutritional coach, yoga instructor and fitness trainer in one, will explain how the most effective observance of ten simple rules, which are naturally the best lifestyle for our body, can manifest in practice. Our ancient ancestors naturally followed the rules of a healthy lifestyle that were in accordance with the "programming" of the human body. These rules worked perfectly for people tens of thousands...

01.06.2023 12 minutes

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3 tips how to spend Christmas without stress and regrets

Can you smell the cinnamon, vanilla, honey and all the other magical smells of Christmas? To be honest, in the adult world, celebrating Christmas is more about the food than the presents ;). Besides food and gifts, it is also about family reunions, peace and love. It’s a time when our daily rhythms slow down and we can finally sit down, chat, enjoy some Christmas goodies and warm up with mulled wine and punch. For some, these moments bring pleasure and joy...

21.12.2022 4 minutes

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Propósitos para el Año Nuevo 2023: 5 trucos psicológicos para lograrlos

El comienzo de un nuevo año es una gran oportunidad para crear nuevos hábitos que te ayuden a crecer mentalmente, intelectual, financiera, social y físicamente. Todos sabemos que establecerlos es fácil, pero esos molestos propósitos de año nuevo son difíciles de mantener y lograr. Las estadísticas afirman que el 46% de las personas que se establecen un propósito de año nuevo logran mantenerlos luego de 6 meses. En comparación...

20.12.2022 5 minutes

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Tres pasos para romper malos hábitos de forma exitosa

Hay tantos malos hábitos a los que la gente busca ponerle fin. Quizás seas fumador, tal vez te muerdas las uñas o bebas demasiados refrescos. Pero el proceso de salir de tu zona de confort repleta de hábitos placenteros es realmente difícil. Para lograrlo, ¡aprende cómo se crean los hábitos y sustituye los viejos y malos hábitos por los correctos!Adictos a la dopaminaLos hábitos son un atajo que crean nuestros cerebros para ahorrar...

18.12.2022 5 minutes

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Diastasis: Find Out if You Belong to a Risk Group.

On Thursday, October 10, we launched the first NEBBIA ACADEMY Talks: Women to Women. If you haven’t caught on to what exactly diastasis is, we would be happy to give you a brief introduction to this project that is close to our hearts. NEBBIA employs many women in various positions. We often reach out to you through social media, newsletters and blog posts like this one. No matter how hard we try, online communication...

21.11.2022 4 minutes

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Martin Pecko, director general: En 25 años de actividad he conocido a muchas personas de éxito. ¡Esto es lo que tenían en común!

Construyó un negocio que motivó a una generación de atletas a rendir más. Después de un cuarto de siglo haciendo negocios en Eslovaquia y en el extranjero, Martin Pecko de NEBBIA le contará lo que él mismo ha aprendido en los negocios y lo que otros empresarios de éxito o deportistas de alto nivel le han enseñado no sólo sobre negocios. "Llevo 25 años en el negocio y he conocido a muchas personas inspiradoras que tenían algunas cosas en común. ¿Y cuáles son? Si preguntas a...

19.08.2022 5 minutes

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Coach mental: "La alimentación como escape emocional es un problema que puede ser difícil de admitir" (entrevista)

Jana Stanova es nutricionista, coach y coautora del proyecto NEtucni. Algunos de nuestros seguidores tuvieron la oportunidad de conocerla en persona en su taller celebrado en la tienda NEBBIA de Ostrava. Se centra en el autodesarrollo, la mentalidad, la salud y la pérdida de peso. También es madre de dos niños y ha pasado por períodos de pérdida y ganancia de peso. Tal vez tú también te veas reflejada en...

06.05.2022 12 minutes

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¿Te ejercitas y tienes acné? ¡No cometas estos errores! (ENTREVISTA con una especialista)

Atención. Este artículo contiene información que no encontrarás en ningún otro sitio. Si sufres de acné y pigmentación después de los entrenamientos, o si sufres de un sarpullido que te cubre toda la espalda y muslos, este artículo te ayudará a deshacerte de ellos. Entrevistamos a una de nuestras Chicas NEBBIA, quien además es nuestra amiga, colega y terapeuta personal de la piel y nos ha compartido todo tipo de rutinas de cuidado de la piel que nos...

22.03.2022 14 minutes

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El cuidado de tu corazón: 7 cosas que tu corazón te agradecerá

Se acerca el Día de San Valentín, y se hace notar con los ositos de peluche, las tazas para parejas, los cupidos voladores y los ramos de flores que están por todas partes estos días. Por lo general, todas estas cosas bonitas tienen algo en común: tienen la imagen de un corazón. Los corazones se convirtieron en un símbolo del amor en el siglo XIII, y estamos convencidos de que las relaciones románticas sinceras son cruciales para nuestro bienestar y el de nuestro corazón....

02.07.2022 5 minutes

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¡El endurecimiento en agua fría es para mujeres también! ¡Aprende cómo prepararte para un baño helado!

El endurecimiento se ha vuelto un tema popular en los últimos años. Además de sus beneficios saludables, sigue siendo un gran NO para la mayoría de las mujeres. Solemos evitarlo y nos negamos a dejar de tomar baños calientes largos. Sin embargo, el hecho de que estés leyendo este artículo es un signo de que estás lista para salir de tu zona de confort y comenzar con los baños fríos diarios. Probablemente hayas estado en contacto con Simona, “Sima”, incluso sin...

19.11.2021 6 minutes

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Entrevista con Roelly Winklaar: ¡Consejos para ayudarte a superarte!

Es naive pensar que estarás motivado 24/7, que estarás esperando a que suene la alarma por la mañana para entrenar o pasar varios minutos arriba de la bicicleta fija. Lo sabemos, tú también lo sabes. La motivación no dura para siempre, y es por eso que hemos entrevistado a nuestra campeón de Olympia, Roelly Winklaar, quien comparte un mensaje bastante claro: "¡Nunca te rindas!". ...

21.09.2021 5 minutes

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Valerija Slapnik: No te estreses por subir de peso durante el embarazo

El embarazo es la etapa más hermosa, pero también desafiante, en la vida de una mujer. Durante esta etapa, algunas madres pueden entrenar en el gimnasio o salir a caminar. Otras necesitan descansar más y frenar un poco, por su propia salud y la del bebé. Lee más sobre las experiencias de Valerija durante su primer embarazo.¡Apenas supe que estaba embarazada, mi felicidad fue absoluta y estaba muy emocionada por comenzar este nuevo capítulo de mi vida!PRIMER...

30.07.2021 3 minutes

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Get inspired by legends: VIDEOS with Olympia athletes

How do you like training in the new men's collection 1965? Thanks to the collaboration between NEBBIA & The Olympia, you can now train in clothes that have been tested and developed for you by professional bodybuilders. You may already know their faces from the headlines of bodybuilding magazines or from the NEBBIA instagram. However, we want to introduce you to their stories, their fitness journey, their philosophy. Watch short documentary...

23.07.2021 2 minutes

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The Secrets of a Personal Trainer

Hi to all NEBBIA fans! I am Laura Takácsová - personal trainer and fitness model. I am happy to share here the insights from my professional trainer's life as well as motivation for fitness and regular exercise.Work As A HobbyIf you do what you love, and love what you do, you never work a day in your life. And I am so grateful that is my case. Fitness is...

19.08.2020 4 minutes

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5 Tips To Become a Fitness Model

Are you passionate about fitness with a super athletic and proportionate physique and attractive look? Do you aspire to be a model or an influencer in the fitness industry? Then you came to the right place. NEBBIA is constantly looking for fitness athletes to shoot for their apparel product portfolio, new collections, e-shop, lookbooks, and social media content. Throughout our history, we've come across many talented individuals that we "kidnapped" directly from the gym to...

07.09.2020 3 minutes

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Pregnancy – my most beautiful life fitness form

  I remember the time when I had nothing else in my head, just being the best in what I was doing. In essence, nothing has changed today. The only difference is my goal. Sport and fitness careers have been absolutely everything for me. For five years, I wasn't interested in anything but which exercises would shape my ass on Monday and Thursday, or how many grams of carbohydrates I would eat that day. Somebody could say it's crazy....

12.06.2019 6 minutes

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