
xmas competition


What You Should Know About NEBBIA Clothing

At NEBBIA, we’ve always believed that the true quality of what you wear during training isn’t just about materials and design. It’s about knowing the real needs of those who exercise daily, just like you. Fitness, even bodybuilding, is not an easy sport. It’s even more important for us to provide you with support and the best product. That’s the way we do it. Our goal. And on the way to its accomplishment, ...

23.07.2024 4 minutes

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Celebrate with us the achievements of women around the world. We bring you interviews with amazing women who have shared with us their experiences and the challenges they have faced during their fitness journey. Do today's women also face gender stereotypes or discrimination? Read what it means to be a woman in the fitness world in 2024, straight from our ambassadors.We spoke to ...

27.02.2024 7 minutes

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Meet our new ambassador: Kyron Holden

A man who triumphed over Erin Banks in Men's Physique at the Legion Sports Fest Pro 2023. This stirred up quite an interesting commotion, as he defeated the reigning Men's Physique Olympia 2022 champion. With this accomplishment, he secured a ticket to Mr. Olympia 2023, with the designation of a new strong opponent. We couldn't miss out on his drive, determination, and competitiveness. So, we proudly introduce our new ambassador. Read the interview...

22.01.2024 2 minutes

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Sustainable fashion in active wear

The time when we ignored the environmental impact of our consumption is long gone. Increasingly, we’re looking for clothes that do not burden our environment too much. At NEBBIA, we believe that sustainable fashion should be affordable for all. But not as a trend, but as a conviction. Sustainability in...

27.11.2023 2 minutes

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Clash of the Titans, Emotions and Winners of Mr. Olympia 2023 – Everything You Need to Know!

After a year, we were once again eagerly waiting to see who would win Mr. Olympia. Orlando, Florida has become the epicentre of bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts. The 59th year marked a new stage in history, with the best bodybuilders of the world competing on it. Take a look with us at who dominated the stage and what unexpected reversals the Olympia Weekend did bring. Our social media was full of posts that...

11.03.2023 5 minutes

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OLYMPIA WEEKEND: Roelly Winklaar On Who Will Be The Winners

Olympia Weekend – the most awaited bodybuilding event of the year where the best of the best meet. We asked legendary bodybuilder Roelly Winklaar, who has also made a name for himself as the people’s champ, directly about his remarks on this event and the shape of the athletes. He has fought his way to the top and knows this tough and uncompromising competition inside out. He told us about his tip for winners, the newcomers and the...

25.10.2023 3 minutes

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Maureen Blanquisco: Details About My Preparation for the Biggest Bodybuilding Competition

Getting to the top of the bodybuilding world – Mr. Olympia – is always difficult and full of unexpected challenges. How is the 2022 Bikini Fitness Olympia champ Maureen Blanquisco getting prepared? In the interview, she...

24.10.2023 3 minutes

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PFAS in Textiles: Beware the Hidden Threat in Your Clothing

Our leggings are safe. If you have your favourite NEBBIA pieces of clothing in your wardrobe, you can wear them without worry. They do not contain PFAS or any other harmful chemicals. We are one of the brands that emphasise the quality and safety of their products. We choose innovative and safe fabrics. This allows us to provide you with clothing that is tailored to your needs and, more importantly, that are not harmful to your...

26.09.2023 3 minutes

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Compression Clothing for Greater Performance without Compromise

Imagine the perfect fitness clothing that will help you push your limits. More energy for muscles, lower risk of injury, faster recovery. Plus, it’s comfortable, even though it’s close-fitting. That’s what the new compression clothing from the INTENSE collection is. Thanks to its innovative technical features, it provides endless comfort during training. It will boost your performance and recovery of tired muscles and the added elastane will ensure natural...

05.12.2023 4 minutes

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From the Philippines to Hollywood: Maureen Blanquisco’s Incredible Path to Victory at the Bikini Fitness Olympia

Health and fitness have become a way of life for many women. However, there are also women who do fitness full time. One of them is Maureen Blanquisco, winner of the 2022 Bikini Fitness Olympia competition. She is one of the most successful fitness icons in the world and is an example for many fitness women who work hard and accomplish their goals without compromise. She became the face of our upcoming NEBBIA INTENSE collection, which we designed to improve women’s performance...

28.04.2023 8 minutes

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We Are Busting the Myths About Eco-friendly Clothing. Your Choice Can Help to Save the World

Sustainable fashion is becoming an important topic for many Slovak brands. At the same time, buying eco-friendly fitness clothing is trendy. This is confirmed by the data. Imagine that, since 2015, up to 93% of consumers have either increased their purchases of sustainable products or maintained consistent purchasing habits over the past year. According to a ...

18.03.2023 3 minutes

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The pioneering women who have changed the fitness world

Fitness heroines who have influenced generations Today, fitness and exercising for women is commonplace, but it wasn’t always so. According to historical sources, a woman with a dumbbell in her hand could still be seen in the 1940s only in a circus. In the 1970s and 1980s, strength training for women was a very controversial topic and was often accompanied by prejudices and misconceptions. Women who worked out with weights...

03.01.2023 6 minutes

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The most anticipated moment of 2022 is behind us and it rewrote history. How was the Olympia Weekend 2022?

The event that every fan of fitness and bodybuilding has been waiting for has ended. With a record number of athletes, the Olympia Weekend was once again a wonderful peak of the competition season. After two years, the action of the competition returned to Las Vegas, and this 58th year also has its first - it was attended by the largest number of competitors in the history of all bodybuilding competitions!  One of the things we are extremely...

19.12.2022 5 minutes

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Olympia Weekend Is Coming! What Are Your Tips for the Winners?

This December is packed with events for all bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts – it’s the month when Mr. Olympia takes place! You may not know the world of bodybuilding inside out, but you certainly know that the peak in every bodybuilder’s career is competing at Mr. Olympia. It’s sort of like the Olympics. Indeed, it’s no coincidence that the most prestigious title you can win in bodybuilding is called ‘Mr. Olympia’. Anyone who touches dumbbells for the...

12.12.2022 3 minutes

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NEBBIA brings you an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into the most famous fitness & bodybuilding competition in Europe. On Saturday, October 29, 2022, EVLS Prague Pro celebrated its 10th anniversary and NEBBIA was right there to witness the most famous professional fitness & bodybuilding competition in Europe.     Athletes faced each other in the...

11.02.2022 1 minute

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¡Hombres, esto es para vosotros! Conoced los nuevos materiales técnicos de la colección NEXT LEVEL

Este otoño lanzamos nuestra nueva colección NEXT LEVEL para hombres. Su nombre podría decirte que encontrarás ropa que te llevará al siguiente nivel. Con esta colección, no sólo tú pasas a otro nivel, sino que nosotros también lo hacemos en NEBBIA. Gracias a ti y a tus altos objetivos, hemos decidido ampliar nuestra colección de ropa de hombre con vestidos funcionales fabricados con materiales técnicamente avanzados. Olvídate de las camisetas sudadas después de un buen...

25.10.2022 4 minutes

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No va a creer la ropa que usaba para ir al gimnasio: ¡Este video lo llevará atrás en el tiempo!

La moda está en constante cambio. Y el fitness no es una excepción. Venga y recuerde los locos años 90, cuando hubo un gran auge en el culturismo en Eslovaquia y República Checa. Hablamos con Stanka Pecková, diseñadora en jefe de la marca de fitness eslovaca NEBBIA, quien nos acompañó en el tiempo y nos contó cómo era diseñar ropa deportiva antes del milenio. Stanka también apareció en un video que captura las tendencias de fitness del último...

10.06.2022 4 minutes

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Esteroides, pandemias y el fin del culturismo tal y como lo conocemos. ¿Cómo ve Martin Pecko de NEBBIA el pasado y el futuro del fitness?

Martin Pecko lleva 25 años dirigiendo la marca de moda de fitness NEBBIA y ha seguido de cerca la evolución de la escena del culturismo desde hace aún más años. NEBBIA celebra este año su cuarto de siglo y hemos hablado con el jefe sobre cómo ha cambiado el culturismo y el fitness competitivo y amateur en los últimos años, cómo se ha visto afectada la industria del fitness por la pandemia del culturismo y qué puede...

09.06.2022 10 minutes

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Martin Pecko, director general: En 25 años de actividad he conocido a muchas personas de éxito. ¡Esto es lo que tenían en común!

Construyó un negocio que motivó a una generación de atletas a rendir más. Después de un cuarto de siglo haciendo negocios en Eslovaquia y en el extranjero, Martin Pecko de NEBBIA le contará lo que él mismo ha aprendido en los negocios y lo que otros empresarios de éxito o deportistas de alto nivel le han enseñado no sólo sobre negocios. "Llevo 25 años en el negocio y he conocido a muchas personas inspiradoras que tenían algunas cosas en común. ¿Y cuáles son? Si preguntas a...

19.08.2022 5 minutes

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Something big has come to NEBBIA stores. Check it out!

Most of us have a lot of clothes that we don’t wear, and we have no use for it. Starting in April 2022, we offer you the option to get rid of your old NEBBIA pieces ecologically, and at the same time receive a 5 € voucher. This article will explain everything you need to know before bringing your NEBBIA clothes back to us. ...

15.07.2022 1 minute

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Moda sustentable: 5 consejos para vestir ecológico

Hoy en día ya sabemos que no basta con clasificar la basura y limitar la compra de bolsas de plástico para reducir los residuos. En NEBBIA, todos estamos en la misma onda ecológica, por lo que queríamos compartir algunos consejos útiles para realizar compras sustentables. Como líderes en la industria de la ropa deportiva, te ayudamos a ser responsable de tu salud física. También queremos ayudarte a ser más responsable con nuestro planeta. Lee 5 consejos sobre cómo vestirte...

27.06.2022 3 minutes

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Our first FIT DAY was filled with specialists, great people, and the best of Slovak fitness

On Saturday, the 28 th of May, almost 300 women of NEBBIA FIT DAY started their journey to a healthier lifestyle. During the biggest sports and motivational event for women in Zilina you could meet many nutrition and fitness experts and coaches from all around the world on multiple stages. And that is only the beginning! NEBBIA has been faithful to an active lifestyle and we try to...

06.08.2022 4 minutes

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Cuando te sientes genial, el mundo es tu ostra. Las modelos de nuestra colección son miembros de nuestro equipo.

NEBBIA quiere demostrarte que nuestra marca no es sólo para culturistas y modelos de fitness. Nuestra última campaña lo demuestra. La campaña FEEL GOOD, LOOK GOOD está pensada para las actividades deportivas y el tiempo libre. Jarka Huljakova, nuestra directora de marketing comenta: "Tenemos tantas mujeres capacitadas en nuestra empresa que...

26.05.2022 4 minutes

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MUJERES DE NEBBIA: ¡Estas son nuestras habilidosas compañeras que despertarán envidia! (Parte 2)

Las mujeres constituyen el 54% del personal de NEBBIA, y la mayoría de ellas ocupan puestos ejecutivos, creativos y administrativos. Ya has conocido a nuestra diseñadora principal Stanka en este artículo. Sin embargo, también hay otras mujeres importantes, sin las cuales NEBBIA no sería lo que...

15.03.2022 6 minutes

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MUJERES DE NEBBIA: ¡Estas son nuestras habilidosas compañeras que despertarán envidia! (Parte 1)

Las mujeres constituyen el 54% del personal de NEBBIA, y la mayoría de ellas ocupan puestos ejecutivos, creativos y administrativos. Ya has conocido a nuestra diseñadora principal Stanka en este artículo. Sin embargo, también hay otras mujeres importantes, sin las cuales NEBBIA no sería lo que hoy es. Cada...

15.03.2022 7 minutes

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